We are so excited about the news from Bridging Digital partner, Fablevision in Scotland!

Fablevision, accompanied by StudioFV, was in Dunure, Ayrshire to shoot film and interviews for Bridging Digital: case studying the live art installation project developed and produced by Trent Kim (Lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland), BA(Hons) New Media Art students, South Ayrshire council and the local community members.



Liz Gardiner, Fablevision,  is currently researching this community led project to observe how artist-led learning can use digital techniques as a catalyst for helping communities adapt to social, economic and environmental ‘shocks’ like the loss of their traditional fishing industry,  and author change.


As part of this research, StudioFV was invited to film the live showcase in re-purposing the romantic and somewhat desolate coastal ruin of Dunure castle as a canvas on which to project the village’s long and varied history.


Home to Scotland’s oldest lighthouse, with a once thriving fishing industry; a place of sea-inspired folkloric tales – the blood feuds of the Kennedy clan; connections with Mary Queen of Scots, Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret Macdonald – the village is now looking at ways in which it can incorporate all this into a new and sustainable future. With abundant resources in the glorious landscape, seascape, built heritage and oral histories, that new future looks set to be  centred on the tourist potential of the area.


The nub of the matter is re-imaging: what do you do when you no longer do what you did?