Virtuellt vernissage – Möt Konsten live!


Ni är inbjudna till ett virtuellt vernissage av Intercult i Arena STOFF:s digitala kulturhus! Upplev våra projekt Eyelander, Skapa scenkonst med VR och Woven Network på ett unikt digitalt sätt! Fjorton konstnärer kommer att ställa ut sina verk i två virtuella rum. Detta är en unik upplevelse som ni inte vill missa! .  Datum: Tisdagen [...]

Virtuellt vernissage – Möt Konsten live!2023-06-22T08:57:42+00:00


Refractions  by Aprill Wise Spendrup . Nacka, Glasbrukssjön 2023 The Project featuring Glasbrukssjön. To shine a light on a place of important cultural interest and relevance in our local environment and to highlight climate change. . The Glass Mobile – Refractions The mobile, tempting, beautiful, dangerous and jagged pieces of glass to symbolise [...]


EYELANDER – spring and summer 2023


EYELANDER 👁 Intercult's new digital art project that, from an artistic perspective, explores questions about the climate and cultural heritage in Stockholm! We are so happy about the project's 10 participating artists who will now in the spring of 2023 explore and work with a cultural heritage in the municipality that represents the project 👁 [...]

EYELANDER – spring and summer 20232023-02-24T13:35:24+00:00


Jag, han och Demter by Tobias Sjöberg Södertälje art exhibition hall 2023 "How do we make something that already is - so that it becomes something? The world will change. Can we approach that perspective, to create something more out of it, even?" The place that inspired the artist Tobias Sjöberg for this [...]

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