Intercult is very proud to present the Theatre Academy in collaboration with the Stockholm Fringe Festival 2024 (#STOFF2024). Mark up your calendars for August 27th, 28th, and 29th!

Theatre Academy is a 3-day long performing arts seminar open to all interested in international performing arts. Discover a unique lineup of workshops, discussions, theater labs, performances, and masterclasses led by experienced practitioners from all across Europe. Artists are invited to partake in a rich and skill-enhancing program while exploring additional facets of performing arts in an international context. The academy especially welcomes emerging artists seeking to broaden their network and find new career opportunities. The program is entirely free of charge!

The academy is a part of Theatre in Palm, made possible thanks to support from Creative Europe. All the events are coordinated as part of a multi-festival week in Stockholm in August 2024, which, in addition to the Stockholm Fringe Festival (#STOFF2024) and the World Fringe Congress, also includes Scensveriges export festival, Swestadge and the queer festival Stolt Scenkonst. 

Venues: Konträr and Theatre Giljotin.
The entire program was released in May, book your slots already now via this link.

See you in August!

Program coordinator of the academy: Nina Rudawski and Karin Johansson.

What is Theatre in Palm?

TIP brings together 12 partners from all over Europe to collaborate and co-create in an international and intercultural platform. The project lasts between the years 2022–2025 and works towards establishing a platform for emerging artists in the performing arts, which can act as a stepping stone for European exchange and intercultural collaboration. The main aims of the project are to help emerging artists navigate in their career as well as to broaden networks and facilitate cooperation between the project member countries.

This groundbreaking project is coordinated by Turku Arts Academy. Apart from Sweden, organizations from Italy, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria are active on the platform.

Read more about Theatre in Palm here.

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